10/7/17 - Moab, UT

Route 66, etc. - Day 19

In 1999 I was lucky enough to see Robert Mirabal at the Fox Theater in Atlanta with my sister, Stephanie.  The show was called Spirit: A Journey in Dance, Drum & Song.  As I drove through Arches National Park today, I was reminded of Robert and his music.

I have run out of words to describe the beauty that I have been experiencing this trip.  So I will just share some of the views today.

My friend Karen and I visited Monument Valley years ago and I was struck with the same awe at the beauty around me.  But this road is paved, Karen!

These images don't come close to capturing the beauty of the day, but will help to embed the memories in my brain.  I felt very lucky to be here on such a gorgeous day and with my little buddy.  If you ever have the chance to visit here or any of the National Parks you won't regret it.  It made me happy to think that my tax dollars help to support the preservation of such awesome spaces.

Of course, I had to find a bit of the weird to include in the day and we found it here.  Now, off to the next place we feel like stopping on our way to Eureka!

Happy trails.
