9/29/17 - Tucumcari, NM

Route 66 - Day 11

Check it out, a bit of a rainbow!  What a glorious sight!  I am trying to think of a rainbow song...

Of course,

It has been a very productive day.  I stayed another day in the LaQuinta motel here to avoid the rain and earn some money.  I worked for about 6 hours, and feel better prepared for our next meeting on 10/20/17.  I did go pick up lunch at the Golden Dragon.  I got a kick out my fortune today.

I don't have to get back to Lake Zurich, IL until early November, so I think this is great news.  And here is a fortune that I got on 9/4/16 in Alpharetta, GA during a SCRABBLE tournament

When I looked out to see the rainbow this evening, I also looked the other way out of the window and I could see Tucumcari Mountain!  According to a historic marker that I read yesterday, the mountain welcomed travelers in this part of the country for a long time.  So I did some research, 

Boy, that sky looks promising, doesn't it?  The plan is to hit the road in the morning and head to Santa   Fe, where we will sleep in the camper.  Then to this campground and recreation area for an extended visit with my brother, Bob in Colorado.

Traveling Route 66 has been a great way to see the country, especially in areas that I have never been before.  It has given me a new perspective on the size and beauty of our country.  It has reminded me that many choose to live very differently from me.  And it has given me the opportunity to meet many others in person and online.  

I plan to continue this blog as my way to share my adventures, so stay tuned!
