1/8/17 - New Haven, IN


Wow, I see that I have not posted to the blog for several months.  I have a good excuse - right wrist carpel tunnel makes it hard to type.  But I will try to hit the highlights since my last entry, since I am using this format to keep a journal.

The Cubs winning the World Series was the last recorded big event in my blog.  Since then so many things have occurred, some much more meaningful to me than the rest of the world.  Common knowledge - Donald Trump's win of the presidency by electoral votes, Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations, the finale of The Voice, and 2017's arrival.

Accounts of violence occupy the media's attention, so I will focus on sharing lighter thoughts.  Most recently I completed a life's goal - to become a Director of a sanctioned Scrabble Club.  I co-directed a tournament with my mentor, Troy, this weekend and I hope to host my first tournament in Fort Wayne next September.

Photo's from this weekend's events in Indianapolis.  A quote heard during the event, "This is what a room full of nerds looks like."

I did reach another milestone already this year.  I accepted the fact that my purchase of a car with a manual transmission several years ago was not a wise decision, with carpal tunnel and arthritic knees. So when I got a post card from the Subaru dealer telling me they needed my car as a trade-in, I thought I would mess with them and tell them how I needed a very specific car that had to match my camper.  When I walked into the showroom, my specific car was sitting there.  I traded them the bikes for a tow hitch and remote starter.

New Year's Eve was celebrated at my brother, Tim's, home with family and friends.  I made a collection of old photos for us to view in a slideshow and laugh at.  Here I am coloring in 1953 or so.

Then I joined the music making in the garage.

Christmas Eve at my sister, Stephanie's, has become a tradition.  I was lucky enough to spend the evening with almost all of my immediate family.  The furthest chick from the nest, my nephew Tyler, even made it home from China.  Stephanie went to NYC the next day with her husband, Chris and son, Carter.

Carpal tunnel surgery on 12/15/16 and recovery has been interesting.  This picture demonstrates the affected numb areas of my right hand for 6 weeks.  I have been suffering with waking up at night with intermittent numbness and pain for about 10 years.  Although recovery is not complete yet and I still hope for improvement, it was amazing how I could feel immediate relief of some of the symptoms during the 15 minute surgery.  My middle fingertip remains numb but I am able to write and type again!  My daughter, Shannon, was a very attentive caregiver for the immediate recovery.

I have been working more for Heartland Home Care and Hospice, since I got my stitches out.  I am now focusing on QAPI (Quality Assessment and Program Improvement) for both agencies.  My favorite kind of work.  Until I get a laptop, I have been going into the office.  After going without extra income the last few months, it will be nice to build some savings back up doing work that I enjoy.  I do have to keep my work income limited until my 66th birthday in July and then I can work as much as I want.  A strange system, isn't it?

Scrabble Club #469 continued to meet at Coliseum Donuts in December.  Our turnout was pretty low but I am hoping that was due to the holidays.  Our next meeting will be 1/21/17 from 12  to 3 pm at Coliseum Donuts (corner of Coliseum and Lake).  

According to my phone, this first snow occurred on 12/4/16.  I then went to dog sit for my grand dog, Buca, in Rolling Meadows, a Chicago suburb.  Now most of you know that my dog, Bungie does not get along well with his "nephew."  This picture records a rare moment of closeness and peace.

We celebrated Thanksgiving at my sister, Mary's home.  What a lot of excellent food and company! My sister-in-law, Sue is recovering from a fall at Halloween time that resulted in the fracture of both of her lower left arm bones and a wrecked left knee.  Getting old is not for sissies, is it?  She has finally been able to have her knee repaired and is well on her way to a full recovery.

Well, that seems to be the highlights since my last posting.  I hope that your holidays went well and you are meeting some of your life goals.  Happy 2017!
