9/19/16 - New Haven, IN


Back home again in Indiana.  I have not been so good about keeping the blog up to date, so I will try to hit the highlights since my last post.  I left off writing about my trip home from playing in the Alpharetta Scrabble Tournament.  The return trip was uneventful, and I was able to host our first official NASPA SCRABBLE Club meeting at Coliseum Donuts on 9/10/16.  We had 7 players and

enjoyed some new twists to our play, such as tracking our wins/losses, awarding a prize for first and second places, and recording our bingo plays.  This venue has proven clean, quiet, friendly and good smelling.  It is very hard to leave without sampling the wares.  The blueberry donuts were still warm when I got home.  I have decided to edit and publish a club newsletter also.  It's great to be able to take on new projects.

Despite my efforts to expand our SCRABBLE Club dates and times, no one showed up for our Tuesday evening meeting on 9/13/16.  I am not quite ready to give up on that idea yet.  We are going to try again on the second Tuesday of October, 5:45 - 8:45 pm, if you are interested, we will be at the
New Haven Public Library.

I was very disappointed in my dental appointment results on 9/14/16.  After valiant efforts, I had to admit that one of my two dental implants had failed.  I received them in Arizona and hoped that they would last much longer.  The removal site has just about healed and I will be done with the antibiotic tomorrow.  For those who have inherited good and healthy teeth, I am hoping that you appreciate them as much as I envy them.

So my extra money from working very part time, went to the dental surgeon instead of my travel fund, but I can always make more money.  I wish that I could make more teeth.  I have picked up some more charts to work on and I will replenish my fund.

I visited Shannon in Rolling Meadows, IL from 9/15/16 to yesterday, 9/18/16.  It was my first trip to her new home and it was a pleasure to help her continue to unpack and set up her place.  I have made sure that I have set up the guest bedroom because I plan to be back soon.  Of course, we found time for fun also.

Finishing Stephen King's book, 11/22/63, was one of my goals for the weekend.  I had not read a Stephen King novel in years, having grown tired of the horror stories.  But I think that I had forgotten what an excellent story teller he is.  I thoroughly enjoyed reading in every spare moment and finished the book on Sunday evening.

We saw Bridget Jone's Baby on Sunday.  After Shannon's disbelief that I had never seen a Bridget Jones movie and knew nothing about her or the storyline, she was happy to bring me up to date enough to enjoy the movie.  

I enjoyed Saturday's movie more though.  If you have any interest in the writing/editing/publishing process, or Thomas Wolfe, you will want to see Genius.  We found it at RedBox.

Our trip home from Chicago-land was uneventful.  Bungie slept most of the way and I listened to NPR podcasts.  I was lucky enough to be invited to turkey dinner at my brother, Steve's, last evening. His wife, Suzi, fixed a wonderful meal and she taught me some tricks for Ancestry.com.  She has continued the genealogy project that I bailed out on a few years ago.  She did tweak my interest and maybe I will get inspired to work on my family tree again this winter.

My other sister-in-law, Cris, is trying to inspire me to join her in working out at Curves.  Since my Medicare Advantage Plan includes a Silver Sneaker benefit, I did make an appointment to check that out on Thursday.  We will see if that is something that get me moving more.

Well, no trips planned until the first week of October.  Hopefully my new solar panel will be here for the camper by then.  This is the first time that I have had an Amazon shipment go missing, so I hope that it shows up soon.
