Retirement Adventure

6/18/16 - Anticipation

On June 30th Bungie and I will begin our retirement.  He is an 8 year old Papillon and I am a soon to be 65 year old nurse.  We have quite an adventure planned and hope that you will enjoy our travels with us through this blog.  We will be sleeping in this teardrop camper, playing in SCRABBLE  tournaments, visiting old friends, and finding geocaches around the country.  

Today is devoted to figuring out how to start a blog and our first geocache hunt.  It was so cool to download a geocache app to my phone this week and find that there was one hidden almost in my backyard.  Armed with SCRABBLE tiles to leave in the caches that we will find and my iphone, we headed to Heatherwood Park in New Haven.  

I did not know there was a Heatherwood Park and to find such nicely maintained hiking trails so close to my home was a nice surprise.  Choosing to go on our first geocache search in a humid woods on a 93 degree day, without a water bottle was not the smartest way to begin our adventure.  According to the app, we got within 7 feet of the geocache, but I never found it.  We succumbed to the heat, humidity and bugs and will save this search for another day.  But I am still excited about our plan to look for treasures around the country.  

Retirement after working full time since 1969 is a bit daunting.  I think that those that know me, will understand that I am tired of working and ready for adventure.  I worry a bit about money, but I have learned to live pretty cheaply and think that I will be able to afford my plan to travel.

Playing SCRABBLE, I hope that all my free time will help me improve my game.  I love to play but I am not really very good.  Hopefully that will change over the next year.  I finally have all the right gear to look good playing.  Check out my custom board.  Note that my SCRABBLE persona’s name is now officially Kathleen.  


  1. This is great Kathy. I look forward to reading about your adventures.

  2. Love it. Can't wait to read all about your adventures.

  3. Kath- you have fired up Carter who is hunting down one of the many geocaches right here in Arlington at this moment. Love the blog and look forward to following your escapades with Bungie.

  4. I just discovered your blog this evening (1am actually lol) and am looking forward to following your adventures. Just now, as I'm catching up on reading your past posts, I had asked how to find scrabble games. But, I googled them and found the organization and tournaments. It sounds like fun!! ~Lynne


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