7/7/16 - Leominster, MA

Turning 65 yesterday was a piece of cake.  Thanks to all who wished me well.  I love Facebook for sharing special days and wishes with others.  

I had a great day hanging out with Shannon and the dogs.  She got me a lovely pair of earrings and my daughter knows how much I love Cirque du Soleil, so she got tickets to the show in Boston last night.  We had great seats and got to see the performers, musicians, costumes and props up close.  She told me about a youtube video documenting the process that performers go through to "run away with the circus."  We watched that this morning and I would highly suggest that for anyone who wants to participate in the experience with me.

Today we found our first geocache in a park that Shannon didn't even know about here in Leominster.    I have to admit that I was a hot sweaty mess after our hike but I am proud of us!  After a quick shower, we got pedicures, saw Tarzan, and had dinner at Outback.  Many of you may know that I usually celebrate my birthday with Chocolate Thunder Down Under, but I resisted this year.  Tarzan was the perfect summer movie and we highly recommend it.

This evening is time to rest a bit.  Shannon has kept me well entertained and busy.  She is going to work some tomorrow, so I will be able to do some Scrabble word study.  The National Championship is around the corner and I would love to feel much more confident of my 3 letter word knowledge.
