7/13/16 - Leominster, MA

You know Mark Twain was supposed to have compared houseguests to dead fish - they both stink after 3 days.  Well, I have been at Shannon's for 8 days.  I think any two alpha females who live alone with their dogs would find it a challenge to share this much time together.  I am proud of us for doing so well.  The dogs have gotten into it more than we have so far.

Yesterday I found a sign that made me smile.  Some of you may know that one of my pet peeves is signs put in women's restrooms by men who think we don't know what should not be flushed.  In fact, I have added a mission to tear those signs down to my Terminal Diagnosis List.  But this sign was so obviously written by a woman.

And the Brick serves a great mexican lunch.  But I did accuse Shannon of trying to kill me yesterday after lunch!  Our geocache search took us to another well wooded area, and in our eagerness to find this cache that appeared to be very near a baseball field, we struck out confident that we would only have to hike through a bit of forest.  Ha - it took us an hour of breaking trails in and out of this wildlife sanctuary.  Little did we know that we went in the back way and we didn't find the maintained trails until we gave up trying to find the treasure.  Shannon did commune with a chipmunk.  I don't see him, do you?

She did take pity on me and excused me from hiking today, so we had a yummy chinese lunch.  Our movie choice was disappointing and we both gave it a thumbs down - The Infiltrator had the wrong actor in the main role and should have used real music from the 80's in our opinion.  It was helpful that we got my senior discount on the tickets.

This evening I have been scratching my mosquito bites from yesterday.  This retirement thing is fun.


  1. Hey Kathy, speaking of Mark Twain, you are near his house in Hartford CT, if you have never been: http://www.marktwainhouse.org/


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